Nicole Flesch


So you know when you open up a 1,000 piece puzzle and dump it all on the floor before you put it together? Welp, that’s what my mind is like everyday. The only way for me to sort out my thoughts and ideas are to simply write them down. There is no order to my blog or what you’ll find in here. I can’t even tell you exactly because I don’t even know myself! I call it mind vomit.




Don’t worry about other people and where their at in life. Worry about you and your own success. Find out what you want, work really hard. The amazing thing about the one life were given is that we have the capability to be anything we want to be.  The problem with most people can be said in three simple words. They give up. People focus on the negatives and all the reasons they cant reach their dreams because of obstacles along the way.  Well, hello people if you didn’t have to work for it, it wouldn’t be called success. You have the people that will complain about the hard life they have had and often blame who they are based on their family history and situations they were put in in life. Let me tell you something. You were born into this world as YOU. No one else. Everyone is dealt a set of cards which I do agree you do not choose. However, what you do choose is how you play them.  The harder life you have had should be more of an incentive to reach your goals. Prove everyone wrong. Show people that you can do it. Take all the negative things in life and turn them into positives. Make your own path. Make footprints that make infinitive impressions. Be an inspiration for other people. 

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