Nicole Flesch
Jamie Olivers Food Revolution Episode 3

In the beginning of this episode Jamie Oliver shows the children what a processed chicken nugget is really made up of. He grinded down all the stuff which looked like a diseased cows lavatory that just got done eating a truck load of burritos. The kids shockingly still said they would eat it! Insanity. If it looks good and tastes good kids will eat it.Bottom Line. After a few weeks of the new healthy food lucnhes that Jamie has constructed the children were eating it. It goes to show that children will eat food that is given to them. When they are hungry they aren’t going to complain that they aren’t eating french fries and pizza that have enough grease to cover the Pacific Ocean and still have enough left over to cover Uncles Jessies hair for a year.  The children were happy and not one of them were complaining. Why not make a difference and provide healthy lives for the children? Jamie then decided to take on Huntington High school. In this school there were four different lines in the cafeteria. A salad bar, a pasta bar, a pizza bar, and chicken sand which with French fry bar. You would think Lil’ Wayne was making an appearnace in front of the chicken and French fry bar from seeing how long the line was for it. High school differs from Elementary school because the students have a choice here. The Elementary students have to eat what is given to them because there is only one choice.  Jamie’s goal here was to get the students to want to make the right choice. He wants to make people care about their health and what they are eating.  Jamie then had students volunteer to help work in the kitchen and join his movement to try and make a difference and a change. He had 6 different students volunteer who really were passionate about making a difference. Some of them with past family members who have died from obesity, some who wanted to learn how to cook and would love to make a difference and lead healthy lifestyles, and the one girl Brittany who struggled with obesity her whole life and had tried everything in her power to lose weight. It was heartbreaking to see. I was sitting in front of my computer eating apples and raisins crying with her,  more so than I did in the Notebook when Ally couldn’t remember who Noah was. It was so touching to see these students want to make a difference and knowing that there are so many girls like Brittany who struggle with obesity and the risk of losing their lives due to weight should be enough motivation for anyone to help in any way they can. The first day in cooking for the high school he had his team hand out samples. of a healthy chicken teriyaki noodle dish. This really is a great way to get students to try things because peers react to other peers and peer pressure. If students are handing out samples of food and walking around the cafeteria other students are definitely going to be willing to give it a try. One of the main problems for Jamie Oliver is that school didn’t have enough money to fund the program. This food revolution he was constructing required more help in the kitchens and more money. Jamie had a camp fire with his team of students and discussed that he usually cooks for the Senator and other officials every year after spending six or seven months working with his team. He told them they were going to be cooking a dinner for them in only two days. This gathering dinner was to help start a fundraiser to get the Senator to provide them with funds to help make a change. The entire restaurant was filled including all the students families. Jamie didn’t tell the people that the students were the ones cooking it until the end. It was amazing how these students came together and the amount of work and effort they put in. After chaos and commotion all the food went out smoothly. Jamie was so proud of his team. I was so proud of them I was cheering and rooting at my computer like I was at a Baseball game or something. After the dinner went out Jamie brought the team out and told everyone these kids cooked the food. Each team member gave a speech about why this food revolution is important to them and the changes that need to happen.  If you ever wanted to take on a food revolution and make a difference but didn’t have the motivation, then watch this episode. It made me want to jump on top of the Rowan Cafeteria tables and my own version of Martin Luther Kings’ “ I had a dream” speech.  In the end the senator agreed to supply the money and help them make a historical change!

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